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2019-2020 Bumper years for PollerGEN outreach program

As the findings from the PollerGEN project mature, the team have been really busy on the project's outreach campaign.

Publication date: 25 March 2020

Award winning poster for Alexander Kurganskiy at International Aerobiology Conference!

Publication date: 17 September 2018

Celebrate Christmas with us

Publication date: 26 November 2024

Congratulations to Carsten on his Chair appointment!

Carsten Skjøth, the project team leader responsible for aerobiological modelling, has recently been promoted to Professor at the University of Worcester.

Publication date: 5 June 2017

Great overview of Brennan et al. 2019 provided by Annette Menzel!

A thoughtful reflection on findings, achievements and where to go next in solving the allergen riddle!

Publication date: 25 March 2020

Identifying the grass pollen that gets up your nose

Scientists could be a step closer to providing more precise pollen forecasts to the 25% of the UK population who live with either asthma or hay fever. This follows the first results of a major three-year project to analyse airborne grass pollen. The first year’s findings, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution , have shown that it is not just the overall ‘load’ of grass pollen in the air that could cause those particularly bad days for asthma and hay fever sufferers. Days which see increased asthma attacks or intense hay fever could be related to the release of pollen from particular grass species.

Publication date: 8 April 2019

NERC DTP Studentship available! Aerial pollen biodiversity and health

We are advertising for a PhD opportunity to be hosted in the Molecular Ecology & Fisheries Genetics Laboratory (MEFGL), at Bangor University ( ) to commence in October 2017.

Publication date: 30 May 2017

Professor John Harper Research Fund in Plant Ecology Awarded to MSc by Research in Biological Sciences student: Anna Gwyneth Egerton

The “Professor John Harper Research Fund in Plant Ecology” has been awarded to the Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Laboratory (MEFGL) postgraduate research student, Anna Gwyneth Egerton

Publication date: 27 September 2018

Read the Nature Ecology and Evolution and Conservation blog pieces for Brennan et al. 2019

Si and Georgina provide popular summaries for Nature and Ecology.

Publication date: 25 March 2020

We're working on a more accurate pollen forecasting system using plant DNA

Most people enjoy the warmer, longer days that summer months bring – but plant allergy sufferers will have mixed emotions. Roughly one in five Europeans suffers from allergic reactions to tree, grass and weed pollen causing pollinosis, hay fever and allergic asthma . This article by Simon Creer , Professor in Molecular Ecology, School of Biological Sciences and Georgina Brennan , Postdoctoral Research Officer, Bangor University was originally published on The Conversation . Read the original article .

Publication date: 21 June 2018

Well done to Georgina Brennan who moves to Sweden AND acquires EU Fellowships

After up to 4 years working on the PollerGEN project, we would like to congratulate Dr. Georgina Brennan on successfully acquiring Marie Curie Skłodowska COFUND and Independent Fellowships to work with Ramiro Logares, University of Barcelona.

Publication date: 22 April 2020